Xeen Wiki
number76The Monster ID
sideDARKSIDEThe side of Xeen it appears on
nameRookaMonster's Name
experience5000Party experience when defeating it
hp60Monster's max HP
acc5Monster's armor class (physical defence)
speed40Monster's attack speed (determines order per round)
numberOfAttacks1Number of attacks monster gets per round
hatesClassANYClass/race to attack first (ALL=attack entire party at once)
strikes3The 'X' in the XdY equation
dmgPerStrike10The 'Y' in the XdY equation
attackTypePhysicalElement type of attack
specialAttackDiseaseSpecial effects caused by attack
hitChance15Base probability of attack landing
rangeAttackFalseCan attack at a distance
monsterTypeAnimalCertain monster types are affected differently by some spells
res_fire0Resistance to fire based attacks
res_elec0Resistance to electricity based attacks
res_cold0Resistance to cold based attacks
res_poison0Resistance to poison based attacks
res_energy0Resistance to energy based attacks
res_magic0Resistance to magic based attacks
res_physical0Resistance to physical attacks
field_290unknown! Doesn't seem to be used anywhere
gold0Gold dropped by monster
gems10Gems dropped by monster
itemDrop4probability that monster drops an item
flyingFalseBoolean value: monster flies or it doesn't
imageNumber47Sprite ID (xxx.MON and xxx.ATK files)
loopAnimationFalseFrames either increment and loop, or bounce start to end and back
animationEffect0Special effects
idleSound100Effect number played by PlayFX every 5 seconds
attackVocratxxx.VOC file played when monster attacks